Jupiter, planet of expansion and philosophy, moves into Shatabhishak pada four from February 16th to March 2nd 2022, the nakshatra inside Aquarius that is associated with healing and mysticism.
This nakshatra’s symbol of a magical circle or horizon combines both boundaries and infinity, and you bring an intelligent eye and mentality to setting your limits over the next two weeks. Pada four of Shatabhishak relates to Pisces in the underlying Navamsha chart of marriage and spirituality, which adds a further Jupiter-ruled quality of faith and largeness to your world.
So in addition to Aquarian vision and progressiveness, you have strength of purpose and self-belief, with a naturally spiritual outlook in your thinking. Shatabhishak’s connection with invisible limits and the esoteric sits well with the underlying Pisces navamsha energy, and you enlist support from nature, where your good intentions are rewarded.
Without becoming lazy or over-confident, keep believing and don’t settle for less, and you can make great strides. This is an excellent time for reading, research and further study, as well as exploring yoga and meditation to progress on the inner level.
Shatabhishak’s Shakti, or special gift, is ‘To Heal’, and its name translates literally to ‘one hundred physicians’, so this is an excellent time to combine innovation in medicine and treatment with positive affirmation and faith healing.
Helping others and donating to charity is also auspicious, and you can make a real difference to any campaign you throw your support behind.
Jupiter comes together with its planetary friend, the all-powerful Sun during this transit, and together this pair brings you big goals and the conviction to make them happen.
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