Transits May 3 – 10 ~ Venus, Mars Conjunction (in Gemini) ~ Reach out and meet somebody new Venus, planet of art and attraction, comes together with Mars, planet of energy and drive, in Gemini, from May 3rd to 10th 2023. Venus in the nakshatra of Punarvasu, is at the opposite end of Gemini to Mars in Mrigashira, but the two share Mercury-ruled qualities of curiosity and friendliness, and a love of wit […] April 27, 2023April 27, 2023
Transits April 22 – May 16 ~ Mars (in Punarvasu) ~ Renewing your energy Mars, planet of action and energy, is in Punarvasu, spanning the signs of Gemini and Cancer, from April 22nd to May 16th. Punarvasu is associated with renewal and replenishment, where your emotional supplies are restocked after the psychic outpouring of Mars in Ardra. Having a goal to work towards gives you inspiration over and above […] April 12, 2023March 28, 2023
Transits March 27 – April 22 ~ Mars (in Ardra) ~ Step up your efforts Mars, planet of action and competition, is placed in Ardra nakshatra in the sign of zodiacal Gemini from March 27th to April 22nd 2023. Ardra is the deepest and most intense part of Gemini, in sharp contrast to this sign’s light, airy image, and you get into psychic research and tough emotionally-based decisions as you […] March 17, 2023February 28, 2023
Transits October 30 – November 13 ~ Mars Retrograde (in Gemini) ~ Make haste slowly Mars, planet of action and energy, is retrograde starting in Gemini from October 30th until November 13th, before retreating into Taurus until January 12th 2023. Of all planets, hard-charging Mars is possibly the least comfortable in backwards motion, and you spend twice as long to go half as far, and must consolidate your ground before […] October 20, 2022October 14, 2022
Transits May 16 – June 7 ~ Mars (in Punarvasu) ~ Taking aim at your goals Mars, planet of action and energy, is in Punarvasu, spanning the signs of Gemini and Cancer, from May 16th to June 7th 2021. Punarvasu is associated with renewal and replenishment, where your supplies are restocked after the emotional outpouring of the previous Ardra nakshatra. Having a goal to work towards gives you inspiration over and […] April 29, 2021November 5, 2021
Transits April 24 – May 17 ~ Mars (in Ardra) ~ Make the extra effort Mars, planet of action and competition, is placed in Ardra nakshatra in the sign of Gemini from April 24th to May 17th 2021. Ardra shows the deep and intense part of Gemini, in sharp contrast to its airy and bubbly image, and you get into psychic research, emotional decisions and cutting away spare elements from […] April 1, 2021July 18, 2022
Transits April 2 – 24 ~ Mars (in Mrigashira) ~ A chase for fulfilment Mars, planet of courage and assertiveness, is in Mrigashira from April 2nd to 24th 2021, the nakshatra spanning the signs of Taurus and Gemini – sitting between the heavens and the earth. Mrigashira’s symbol the Deer, is depicted in myth being pursued across the skies by Brahma the Creator, representing a chase driven by desire […] March 22, 2021November 6, 2021
Your Birth Panchang Reading The moment of your birth holds a powerful cosmic imprint—one that influences your emotions, personality, relationships, and even life purpose. This is captured in your Birth Panchang, an ancient Vedic almanac that reveals deep insights into your unique astrological makeup. Your Birth Panchang consists of five key elements, each playing a crucial role in shaping […] Written by Align27 February 7, 2025February 7, 2025
Your Past Karma is Stored in Your Chakras – Find Out What It Means! Your chakras don’t just govern energy flow; they are the storage centers of your past karma, shaping your life’s challenges, patterns, and growth. ✨ Where is your biggest karmic imprint? ✨ Get Your Karma in Chakra Reading Here’s what it could mean for you: 🔥 If your Solar Plexus Chakra holds the most karma… Karmic […] Written by Align27 February 5, 2025February 5, 2025
March 16 – May 18 ~ Sun (in Uttara Bhadrapada) ~ Let your spiritual energy shine The Sun, a planet of spirit and identity, is in Uttara Bhadrapada, the benevolent and spiritual nakshatra within the zodiacal sign of Pisces, from March 17th to 31st 2025. Uttara’s name translates to ‘beautiful left foot’, and its influence brings you an intelligent and questioning quality with a focus on the finer things in life. […] Written by Align27 February 11, 2025February 11, 2025
March 16 – May 18 ~ Ketu (in Uttara Phalguni) ~ Make a difference in the world Ketu, the shadow planet of mysticism and spirituality, is in Pada (part) Two of Uttara Phalguni from March 16th to May 18th, 2025. Uttara pada two relates to Capricorn navamsha, which adds a practical and realistic quality to your desire for escape, though there’s a sharp contrast between these two directions. This Saturn-ruled undercurrent adds […] Written by Align27 February 11, 2025February 11, 2025
March 16 – May 18 ~ Rahu (in Purva Bhadrapada) ~ Finding an emotional escape Rahu, the shadow planet of desire and rebellion, is in Purva Bhadrapada Pada (part) Four in the sign of Pisces from March 16th to May 18th, 2025. This pada relates to Cancer in the navamsa chart of relationship and good fortune and gives you emotional insight into your ambitions and a desire to break free […] Written by Align27 February 11, 2025February 11, 2025
Vedic Astrology based Rituals for Radiant Skin Skin is the largest organ in our body, and skin issues primarily occur with a flared-up pitta dosha. According to Vedic Astrology, the skin is ruled by the planet Mercury. When Mercury is afflicted by Mars, Sun, or Ketu (the planets connected to the fire element), we are more prone to skin-related problems as they […] Written by Align27 May 27, 2024June 6, 2024