What does July have in store for you? See the transits that are happening in the sky in July and read personalized insights for each one based on your Vedic Moon sign in your birth chart (which we calculate for you in the align27 app).

Venus in Gandanta - 1 July to 15 July

A shift from sensitive to sensational. Venus, planet of love and art, is in the Gandanta zone between fire and water signs from July 1st to 15th 2023.

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Mercury in Punarvasu - 3 July to 9 July

Find new mental drive and desire. Mercury, planet of communication, is in Punarvasu, across the signs of Gemini and Cancer, from July 3rd to 9th 2023.

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Sun in Punarvasu - 6 July to 20 July

Renew your search for knowledge and meaning. The Sun is in Punarvasu from July 6th until 20th, crossing the zodiacal signs of Gemini and Cancer. Punarvasu’s symbol is a quiver full of arrows, which shows adventure through flights of thought and imagination.

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Venus in Magha - 6 July to 7 August

Make a king or queen of your partner. Venus, planet of relationship, enters the nakshatra of Magha in the sign of Leo from July 6th to August 7th 2023.

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Mars, Venus Conjunction in Leo - 7 July to 7 August

Put a spark of magic in your relationship. Venus and Mars, the planets of love and desire, peace and war, are conjunct in Leo from July 7th to August 7th 2023.

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Mercury in Pushya - 9 July to 16 July

Sympathetic thinking inspires good fortune. Mercury, planet of thought and communication, is in Pushya within the sign of Cancer from July 9th until 16th 2023.

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Jupiter in Bharani Pada 2 - 10 July to 6 August

Discover truth through mastering detail. Jupiter, planet of philosophy and expansion, is in Bharani nakshatra pada (part) two, in the sign of Aries, from July 10th to August 6th 2023.

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Mercury in Ashlesha - 16 July to 24 July

Your ideas express more than words. Mercury, planet of intelligence is in Cancer-Ashlesha from July 16th to 24th 2023, the ‘serpent nakshatra’ associated with protectiveness and emotional insight.

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Mercury, Sun Conjunction in Cancer - 17 July to 24 July

Tap into your powers of insight. Mercury, planet of the mind, is in conjunction with the Sun in Cancer from July 17th to 24th 2023.

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Sun in Pushya - 20 July to 3 August

A time to give and receive more. The Sun, planet of Self and leadership, is in Pushya from July 20th to August 3rd, the nakshatra inside the zodiacal sign of Cancer, which boosts all matters connected with family and security.

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Mercury in Gandanta - 22 July to 27 July

Prepare for an unexpected question. Mercury, planet of thought and commerce, is in the Gandanta zone between fire and water signs and nakshatras from July 22nd to 27th 2023.

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Mars in Purva Phalguni - 22 July to 13 August

A laid-back style hides your fire. Mars, planet of energy and drive, enters the nakshatra of Purva Phalguni, in the sign of Leo, on July 22nd until August 13th, bringing you a relaxed and spontaneous approach towards your goals.

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Venus Retrograde in Leo - 23 July to 7 August

Finding love a second time around. Venus, planet of love, luxury the arts, is retrograde in Leo from July 23rd to August 7th 2023.

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Mercury in Magha - 24 July to 3 August

Time to make your own dramatic statement. Mercury, planet of media and commerce, enters the nakshatra of Magha in the sign of Leo on July 24th until August 3rd.

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Mercury, Venus Conjunction in Leo - 25 July to 7 August

Discover your gift for saying the right thing. Mercury, planet of the mind, and Venus, planet of relationship, come together in Leo from July 25th to August 7th 2023.

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Mars, Mercury Conjunction in Leo - 25 July to 18 August

Time for speaking truth to power. Mercury, planet of thought, comes together with forceful, assertive Mars in Leo from July 25th to August 18th 2023.

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Venus in Gandanta - 30 July to 12 August

From loud and proud to sweet and sensitive. Venus, planet of love and art, is in the Gandanta zone between fire and water signs from July 30th to August 12th 2023.

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