Saturn, planet of karma and success, is combust by the Sun in Aquarius from February 12th to March 17th 2024.

This transit is between two planetary enemies whose energies have very little in common, so you need a balance and to handle the time carefully. Sun is usually overwhelmed by Saturn’s shadowy influence when these two are together, but now Saturn is burned in the solar glow and disappears from view in the sky.

Saturn is also known for shyness, and a big personality who easily expresses the Sun’s confidence may be overbearing and make you doubt yourself. Combustion is like an eclipse and can bring a loss of perspective, and perhaps even obscure fear, out of proportion to actual events.

You may have very real pressure or a deadline to deal with, but combustion blows the problem up, to the point where you become frozen and unable to act. Symbolically, Saturn’s ability to organize and give structure is compromised, and you lose some practical power.

Your ideas may be more dreamlike than sustainable, and in an idealistic and humanitarian sign like Aquarius, it pays to think carefully. The centre of this transit, up to March 4th takes place in Shatabishta, a nakshatra associated with a mystical vision, where you think and meditate deeply.

Try to focus on day-to-day business, however, and don’t let your thoughts run away with you. The Sun and Saturn are also squeezed between the tough and challenging influence of Mars and Rahu, which may deny you the option of outside support.

It falls to you to organize everyone, until eventually you can get the credit for guiding a project home.

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