Jupiter, planet of protection and philosophy, returns into Bharani pada (part) one, in the sign of Aries, from February 3rd to 27th 2024.
This is the area Jupiter went through most recently in November 2023, in retrograde motion, and altogether enters its third and final time in this nakshatra pada. Expect an opportunity from late last year to reappear, after you have gone backwards and forwards on how to respond in the best way.
Jupiter heals and expands, giving you courage and optimism, and it clears the decks for an upcoming challenge: what was only potential before now becomes grounded in your life. Bharani pada one relates to Leo navamsha, the underlying chart of marriage and spirituality, which gives your beliefs a grand and theatrical quality.
Jupiter in the fire element also relies on a kind of intuitive certainty, where your creative gifts are enlivened and you show a flair for the arts and drama. The first nakshatra pada is also naturally associated with the Dharma quality, or Right Action, where you follow spiritual truth in alignment with your highest principles.
Bharani’s name, ‘She Who Bears’, is associated with giving birth, in the sense of making plans and creative ideas, where Jupiter’s broad-ranging quality finds you pursuing new concepts and horizons.
Thinking big is generally the right approach with Jupiter, though the close influence of karmic Saturn through this whole transit may restrict your free-flowing style. Having a definite budget to work within also creates delay and frustration.
Still, needing to compromise with other duties and interests may focus your energy more, and ultimately gets the best effects from the time.
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