Mars, planet of energy and competition, enters Uttara Ashadha, across the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn, from February 1st to 18th 2024.

Uttara is a cultured nakshatra which emphasises diplomacy and moderation when used in the right way, and fiery Mars’s transit gives you restless and gung-ho energy. You may decide a cut-off point or deadline when talk ends and it’s time for more direct means.

This is a transit of two distinct parts, first up to February 5th, when Mars shares a sign-exchange with broadminded Jupiter and gives you a philosophical and scholarly approach to problem-solving. You have a thirst for knowledge as well as action, and studying the underlying principles of any business you take up gives you a bigger picture.

Even over-confidence can work in your favour at this point, if you find the courage to attempt a goal which you have delayed for too long. Mars favours quick decisions and direct impact, but its slow, steady power in Capricorn after February 5th promises success.

You can fight for your beliefs, and combine physical drive with a kind of efficiency that sees you lasting the course. Kicking off new plans and desires is a feature of both Uttara Ashada and Mars itself, so this transit favours beginnings and initiatives.

Uttara’s symbol of the elephant’s Tusk also has a symbolic link with Ganesha, the Remover of Obstacles, and invoking his aid clears your path in any new effort. February 5th to 11th may see you working with a friend or colleague and sharing the effort.

Uttara’s political strength serves you well and you can think beyond Mars’s impulsive style to ground a relationship for the long term.

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