Venus, planet of relationship, values and the arts is in Dhanishtha from February 15th to 26th 2021, the nakshatra which spans the zodiacal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Dhanishtha’s name translates to wealth and benevolence, and its Shakti, or special power, is ‘To Create Opulence and Fame’. This asterism is ruled by the Ashta (eight) Vasus, the elemental deities of energy and light in Vedic mythology, which are also said to be givers of wealth.

Influential circles open up, where you may be involved in trading, buying or enjoying expensive and luxurious accessories. This asterism’s affairs focus on music, rhythm in particular, as represented by its symbol the Drum, and Venus as planet of the arts has a special affinity with it.

As well as producing great creative work, your self- expression gives fulfilment and puts meaning into your life. You can be a great patron of the arts and support or donate to a cause for performers, plus you have the ability to pull people and contacts together.

Expressing yourself gives other people inspiration to do the same and friends like being around your energy – any activity which requires a rhythm or pulse meets with success. A shared love of music and dance brings you closer to someone, and a new relationship may also bring material abundance.

Yet Dhanishtha is sometimes associated with obstacles in love and you may need to work out issues with someone close to you at this time. Put romantic business on hold for a while and focus instead on yourself, your artistic and material plans.

Venus enters the Aquarius portion of Dhanishtha on February 21st, a date which coincides with Mercury, planet of the mind, going direct in motion. A relationship issue you could not possibly have known may come to light after this point, which lets you choose with a fuller picture of all the facts.

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