Mercury, the planet of the mind, is in Hasta within the sign of Virgo from September 28th to October 6th, 2024.

This nakshatra is Mercury’s strong place, where you have practical and earthy intelligence that combines academic knowledge with worldly experience. Hasta’s symbol of the Hand is associated with craft and skill, along with a careful touch around money, so you can apply your talents in a smart and constructive way. The Shakti, or special power of this asterism, ‘To Put Power in Your Hands’, lets you make real progress and understand how you can influence others and grasp success.

Mercury is impacted by dynamic Mars through this transit and gives you a forward and assertive way of thinking and speaking. You have a big say in group discussions and almost challenge others to disagree, so you can make your point more strongly. Your competitive streak comes alive and may pull you in a race to see who can find a solution or puzzle answer first. Use your eye for detail, even though you may feel pressured and don’t have time to arrive at a complete response.

The influence of shadowy Ketu all through this transit also sharpens your intuition when you sense a friend or family member wants to talk, and you understand more than you can put into words. Hasta is linked naturally to Palmistry and other forms of divination, and Ketu’s natural insight and desire to help may see you in demand as an advisor and counsellor. September 30th is an excellent day to listen and meditate, and an answer comes more out of the air than by reading or studying.

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