Mars, the planet of action and competition, is in Punarvasu, across the signs of Gemini and Cancer, from September 29th to October 28th, 2024.

Punarvasu is associated with renewal and replenishment, where your emotional and energetic supplies are topped up, and having a goal to work towards inspires you over and above your usual level. This asterism’s symbol of a Quiver of Arrows is linked with a long-distance vision, where Mars gives you the power to fire your bow towards an ambitious target.

Your focus is finding meaning in life and chasing after gains and status, and Punarvasu’s Shakti, the ‘Power to Acquire Wealth’, promises the ultimate reward for your effort. You may be hungry for more power and success, or else remain satisfied with just enough and battle on behalf of a shared cause or belief. Mars is extra strong and decisive in Aries navamsa up to October 5th, and you may take a risk or adventure that would otherwise seem too demanding.

Punarvasu is associated with good conduct and fights fair even in the middle of a struggle, but still, make sure not to overstretch or cut corners at this point. Mars enters the Cancer portion of this nakshatra on October 20th and you are only inclined to work or take charge when you are in the right mood – it may take you longer to get started and remain motivated.

Be mindful that Mars also retrogrades back into Punarvasu for an extended period in the early part of 2025, and any challenge you defer or avoid now will likely repeat. It pays to take action now and get ahead of any possible obstacle.

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