What does April have in store for you? See the transits that are happening in the sky in April and read personalized insights for each one based on your Vedic Moon sign in your birth chart (which we calculate for you in the align27 app).
Mercury in Revati - 1 April to 8 April
Use your imagination and intellect. Mercury, planet of communication and intelligence is in the nakshatra of Revati within the zodiacal sign of Pisces from April 1st to 8th 2022.
Go from intuition to impulse. Mercury, planet of communication and commerce, is in the Gandanta zone between fire and water signs and nakshatras from April 6th to 9th 2022.
First inspiration then action. The Sun, ruler of soul and self-expression, is in the Gandanta zone between Pisces and Aries and the nakshatras of Revati and Ashwini from April 10th until 17th.
Inner experience and mental clarity. Ketu, the shadow planet of mysticism and self-denial, is in Vishakha pada three from April 12th 2022, as it makes its first steps into Libra.
Jupiter in Purva Bhadrapada Pada 4 - 13 April to 28 April
Keep the faith and count your reward. Jupiter is in pada four of Purva Bhadrapada from April 13th 2022, as the planet of expansion and philosophy moves into its own sign of Pisces.
Kickstart your year. The Sun, planet of soul and self-expression, enters Aries-Ashwini on April 14th until 27th, the sign and nakshatra both associated with speed and courage.
Clear your path for new love. Venus, planet of love and the arts, is in Purva Bhadrapada from April 18th, the nakshatra which reaches across the signs of Aquarius and Pisces.
Scalpel-like speech. Mercury, planet of communication and commerce, is in the nakshatra of Krittika across the signs of Aries and Taurus from April 22nd 2022.
Give birth to your inner hero. The Sun, symbol of the soul and self-expression, is in Bharani nakshatra, in the zodiacal sign of Aries from April 27th to May 11th 2022.
Create wealth from wisdom. Saturn, planet of boundaries, karma and success, is in pada three of Dhanishta from April 29th, as it moves into the sign of Aquarius.
Faith has a transforming effect. Venus, planet of love and art, is in Uttara Bhadrapada, in the sign of Pisces, from April 30th to May 12th, the nakshatra whose name literally means ‘beautiful left foot’.
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