Mercury, the planet of the mind, comes together with the all-powerful Sun in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces altogether from February 7th to March 14th, 2025.

Starting in Capricorn up to February 11th, Mercury comes close to the Sun in Aquarius until February 27th, before it moves into Pisces, where it stays within range of the Sun. Mercury combust becomes ‘eclipsed’ and invisible in the sky, and your voice and ideas tend to disappear from a debate or conversation. You may feel powerless to express yourself, or see things from a narrow, personal point of view, and don’t grasp the full picture.

The two planets are at their closest point at the start of this transit up to February 12th, when Mercury is completely consumed by the Sun’s rays. This period especially may see you distracted or anxious, perhaps reacting to deadline stress or a personality who has power over you in a given situation. Your concerns may be very real, though mental pressure can also exaggerate a problem and make you lose sight of the solution. Don’t despair, get angry or shout if you feel ignored, but take your time and find other ways of making your influence felt.

Run your thoughts past someone you trust before submitting any idea, job application, or piece of creative work. Mercury slows down at the end of this transit and by March 12th reaches the point where it will turn retrograde, and you return over an issue that has preoccupied you since February 27th. A second opportunity arises when you are reminded of an idea that seemed interesting before, and you explore it in more detail.

Comments to: February 7 – March 14 ~ Mercury Combust (in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) ~ Make mental pressure work for you

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