It’s Eclipse season folks – with the first Lunar Eclipse coming up on 19th November and then the Solar Eclipse on December 4th, we’ve created a guide to help you through it, including what to do and what to avoid during an eclipse in order to get the best from these powerful astrological events.

What is an Eclipse?

A Solar Eclipse always happens during Amavasya (New Moon), when the Sun and Moon are positioned together in the same zodiac sign. The New Moon aligns close to the nodal axis and obscures the Sun. Lunar eclipses always occur on Purnima (Full Moon), when the shadow of the Earth falls on the Moon.

How do Eclipses affect us?

Eclipses are known to trigger both personal and global events. As the Sun and Moon come into perfect alignment, the energy is particularly strong and marks a powerful time for spiritual practises where we bring our attention from the outer material world to our inner world.

Since ancient times eclipses have been given great significance – to the extent that astrologers were punished in the past if they failed to update the King about an upcoming Eclipse!

Solar Eclipses are powerful moments that signal new beginnings. The New Moon aligning close to the nodal axis and obscuring the Sun symbolises the lunar emotional principle coming in front of the solar ego. As the Sun is swallowed up, one’s sense of identity is fragile. Feelings are more intense before and during the eclipse, and the inner world rules over the outer.

In addition, each eclipse has its own specific effects depending on which Nakshatra, or lunar mansion, it is happening in. This also gives a clue as to the individual and global effect of that particular eclipse.

Here are a few guidelines where we share what to do and what to avoid during an eclipse.

Guidelines & Rituals you can do during every Eclipse.

Take a Shower Before and After the Eclipse – If this isn’t possible, you can sprinkle water on your head while chanting ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ three times. Avoid bathing or showering during the eclipse itself.

Avoid Starting a Project – Do not commit to taking on a new project during 3 days before and after a Lunar Eclipse and 10 days before and after a Solar Eclipse. The ancient Seers considered eclipses to be a negative omen for beginning new projects on the material level.

Fast – Avoid eating during the time of the eclipse, or consuming food that has been exposed to the eclipse. Instead cook fresh food after it has finished. If you do eat or drink during this time chant ‘Vishnu, Vishnu, Vishnu’ 3 times to honor Lord Vishnu, the Maintainer and Sustainer of the Universe.

Don’t Sleep – avoid sleeping, or sexual activities, during the eclipse.

Pause and Observe – Be aware of heightened emotional tides. If you go through intense emotions, know that it is temporary and will pass. You may experience a lack of mental clarity, so it’s not a good time to make decisions. Be patient and before acting, pause and think things through. Be aware of any desires in the mind, and let go of any that aren’t beneficial for you.

Focus on the spiritual – Avoid materialistic pursuits during eclipse time. It’s best not to make important decisions about job changes, marriage or romantic proposals, moving to a new home, high value purchases or investments.

Listen to Powerful Sacred Vedic Chants – Sri Rudram honors Rudra, a form of Lord Shiva, the Destroyer, Vishnu Sahasranama lists the thousand names of Vishnu, the Maintainer and Ganesha Atharvashirsha is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the Remover of Obstacles. Listening, reciting or meditating upon any of these chants is very powerful during the eclipse.

Chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ – it is extremely powerful to chant this mantra as many times as you can during an eclipse.

Honor Lord Dattareya – during a Lunar Eclipse by chanting the mantra ‘Aum Namo Bhagavate Dattatreyaya’ 108 times. Lord Dattareya represents the combined energy of Brahma (Creator), Vishnu (Maintainer( and Shiva (Destroyer).

Chant the Durga Mantra – Chant the Durga Mantra, ‘Aum Dum Durgaye Namaha 108 times. The Sanskrit meaning for Durga is a place that is protected and cannot be reached by evil forces. Durga also means invincible, unbeatable and undefeated.

Honor Your Ancestors – pray for them, be grateful, connect to them and seek their blessings.

Donate – donating to a good cause without expecting anything in return is incredibly powerful and beneficial, particularly during the eclipse. The best time to donate is just after the eclipse, after having taken a shower.

Stay home – If possible, avoid going out during an eclipse, but if it can’t be avoided then listen to Margabandhu Stotram – the Sanskrit hymn honoring Lord Shiva – for protection.

Choose Positivity – Spend the eclipse time with people who are vibrant and positive. Avoid confrontations and power struggles. In your own mind, feel positive and grateful for what you have and avoid complaining or feeling a sense of lack.

Meditate and Contemplate – meditation, contemplation, prayer, mantra chanting, Japa (mantra repetition) and spiritual practises will help you look within and tune yourself to the spiritual vibrations. If you’re seeking answers to any burning questions, the eclipse is a good time to search within yourself and find the solution.

Reflect on Spiritual Knowledge – listen to, read or reflect on spiritual discourses and wisdom at this time.

Avoid Looking at the Moon – during a Lunar Eclipse it is not advised to look at the moon.

For each Eclipse we provide specific rituals and timings for each one based on the Nakshatra that the eclipse is taking place in – you can view these in the rituals section of the align27 app.

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