Mercury, the planet of thought and commerce, comes close to the Sun from in Scorpio between November 30th to December 11th, 2024, where it ‘combust’ or burnt up in the solar rays.
This phase affects your decision-making and state of mind, as you may be overwhelmed by too much information or troubled by a large personality that has some influence over you. Combustion is rather like Mercury being eclipsed by the Sun, with the same sense of unease and subjective thinking, which is increased by Mercury’s retrograde motion. This transit reaches a peak by December 6th, when it’s helpful to get an outside point of view, or even to consult a professional counsellor or negotiator to get the best outcome.
Both Sun and Mercury are also impacted by strict, karmic, Saturn through this whole transit, which can give you a pessimistic outlook, or draw criticism from a boss or authority figure. Take your time if possible and try a different take on your plans, as this is a moment to think realistically and have a good, practical point of view. Spell your thoughts and intentions out clearly, with no room for hints or suggestions, even though this can be frustrating on a personal level.
Any worthwhile agreement you do strike may last far beyond the present time. The Sun and Mercury together also make Budhaditya Yoga, which promises intelligence and commercial skills, as well as the promise of studying and academic success. Scorpio gives you intense mental focus and you confront an underlying issue or atmosphere you would otherwise overlook, though it is well to wait until after December 6th before committing fully to a decision.
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