Mars, planet of energy and dynamism is in the Gandanta zone between water and fire zodiacal signs and nakshatras from Jun 22nd to Jul 1st 2022.
Pisces and Aries, and Revati and Ashwini, are sharply contrasting energies, and any planet moving through this Gandanta ‘knot-end’ has to adjust rapidly, bringing an unfocused and often fated quality. Mars’s usual direct and impulsive style doesn’t resonate so strongly here, where you need a subtler and more thoughtful approach, and to strategize more carefully.
Some people may even suspect you of a manipulative angle, as you let a rival take acclaim for an idea you introduced, but your actions are justified in the wider scheme. The last part of Revati, June 22nd to 27th emphasizes imagination and insight, so you need to pause and consider all sides of an argument.
Keep working and looking ahead, however, otherwise the Gandanta energy can be self-defeating, and people mistake your reticence for lack of initiative. Revati’s Shakti is ‘To Protect’, a quality you have in abundance, and you can step up to defend a friend or principle very effectively.
Mars shifts into its home sign of Aries on June 27th and your instinct is to spring into action. Energy you have saved and ideas you have held back may build up pressure, but it’s at this very time you need to be most careful.
Going from stealth into superman mode takes people by surprise and you may go too far in taking back credit – take the Gandanta period as a whole and wait until July before revealing your agenda.
Despite Ashwini’s Shakti ‘to quickly reach things’, you succeed more fully when you are sure of support and your endeavours are heading in the right direction for everyone.
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