I mean the list is endless right? You want more time, more money, better health, peace of mind, better relationships and the list goes on.

But can we really do anything to help what is our eventual destined outcome anyway?

Sure you can, and here are 8 tips, how-to’s and outcomes of how you can do it:

1. Intention, Attention, Manifestation​

💡 Tip: Follow the Intention, Attention, Manifestation principle by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Gurudev says: “When your intention and attention are there, manifestation happens. If your intention is not there it will not work. For anything to work, you must have intention and attention. Then manifestation happens.”

?How-To: So focus your mind on what you truly desire and put your attention on whatever you want to grow or manifest in life. Set a clear intention and direct your attention towards it consistently. Regularly remind yourself of your goals and take actionable steps towards them. Watch this 60 second video by Gurudev: Watch here

🌟 Outcome: By aligning your intentions and attention, you create a powerful energy that attracts your wishes and desires into reality.

2. Plan and Do Things During Favorable Planetary Alignments

💡 Tip: Use the align27 app to align with favorable astrological periods.

?How-To: Integrate align27 into your device calendar using our calendar integration (takes a few mins) and add/adjust your plans according to the Green Days and Golden Moments. You can also follow the “Your Personal Summary & Weekly Forecast” within the transits section, which highlights personalized insights to make sure you’re always cosmically aligned.

🌟 Outcome: By working in harmony with your cosmic plan, there’s more of a chance to ensure you progress successfully towards your goals.

3. Prioritize What Truly Matters

💡 Tip: A ‘Life Assessment’ will help you pinpoint areas requiring focus and identify obstacles that are stopping you from achieving your goals.

?How-To: Sit down and have a think about what is most important to you—is it family, self-expression, love, financial stability, wellbeing. Write it down and be really specific. If for example financial stability is one of them, what does that look like for you.

🌟 Outcome: Understanding what you truly need and want in your life can be challenging, but when you have that clarity it’s easier to ask the powers above to support you. This exercise helps you prioritize your goals and makes sure your actions are fine tuned and focused rather than swayed with other distractions.

4. Attract Abundance and Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth In Your Life

💡 Tip: Follow the principle of effort, centeredness, and confidence to make abundance come to you as explained by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar; “In Sanskrit there is a saying, ‘Udyoginam Purushasimham Upaiti Lakshmi,’ which means to put in 100% effort (Udyoginam) and have the confidence and centeredness like a lion (Purushasimham).”

?How-To: Gurudev continues; “A lion has centeredness and confidence, it doesn’t run around like a chicken, it doesn’t need to work hard or put effort. ‘Udyoginam Purushasimham Upaiti Lakshmi’ means if you are hardworking (not smart working), confident and centered and when you are in touch with your inner spiritual strength, then Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and abundance will simply come to you. When you don’t crave for abundance, it comes to you. If you’re hankering for it, saying, ‘Oh, I want abundance’, then it remains far away. Just relax! Know that what you need, you will get.”

🌟 Outcome: By being hardworking, centered, and confident, and by staying in touch with your inner spiritual strength, you will naturally attract abundance into your life. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, will come to you effortlessly.

5. Only Use These Days For Major Decisions

💡 Tip: Schedule all your most major events on Crown Days, which are your most favorable astrological days.

?How-To: Check your Planner on align27 for all the Crown Days coming up in the next three months. Plan important milestones, like launching a project, signing contracts or making critical decisions, on these days.

🌟 Outcome: Increase the likelihood of success and positive outcomes by acting when cosmic energies are most supportive.

6. Create an Abundance Mindset With Gratitude

💡 Tip: Get into a habit of being grateful everyday – to eliminate the feeling of lack and invite abundance into your life.

?How-To: At the end of each day, write down all the things that you are grateful for, either in a specific gratitude journal, or even within Notes on your mobile device. This will help shift your focus from what’s lacking to abundance. When you focus on what you have, you create a mindset of ‘plenty’. Practice saying “I have enough” instead of “I don’t have this” which creates a sense of fullness and contentment.

🌟 Outcome: By practicing gratitude, you attract more positivity and abundance and invite more joy, peace, and love into your life. This mindset helps you see opportunities and helps you focus on your goals.

7. Leverage Your Actual Cosmic Plan and Ask An Astrologer

💡 Tip: Use the “Ask Your Astrologer” feature for personalized advice and insights or you can take a “Birth Chart Analysis consultation which is a deep dive into your birth chart.

?How-To: Submit your questions through the align27 app to receive detailed astrological guidance tailored to your birth chart and current life circumstances. Utilize this feature for specific concerns or major life decisions.

🌟 Outcome: Gain clarity and confidence in your choices, Share all the things you want in life and want to achieve and get the reassurance you need or rituals and remedies you can do by expert astrologers to ensure you’re moving in the right direction.

8. Personalized Rituals for Daily Harmony

💡 Tip: Perform daily personalized rituals suggested by the align27 app to maintain balance and harmony.

?How-To: Go to the Rituals section for personalized practices based on your birth chart and current planetary transits. Incorporate these rituals into your daily routine, such as figure of eight walking, purification water rituals or chanting specific mantras.

🌟 Outcome: Rituals enhance positive planetary placements in your chart and help to mitigate (or soften the blow) of any unfavorable planetary placements that could create obstacles on your path to getting what you want in your life, helping you to align with your goals.

Follow these tips and align your actions with the cosmos, paving the way for manifesting your deepest desires and achieving your dreams.

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