Rahu, the shadow planet of desire and rebellion, is in the Gandanta zone between fire and water signs from August 28th 2023 to January 1st 2024.

This ‘knot-end’ area also takes in the space between nakshatras, which gives it an unstable and unpredictable quality that can’t always be relied on. If, in true Rahu style, you are making a break with authority or embracing an unusual interest, it may pay to keep one foot in the conventional world for a little longer.

Your desire for change or stimulation may be necessary and overdue, but this initial phase can find you going out on limb. This is not the best time to quit your job or travel to an exotic location, even though those are your ultimate goals.

Rahu changing signs on October 30th may bring sudden change in any event, and its retrograde motion also sees the planet moving backwards through the Gandanta zone, from the impulse and heroics of Aries-Ashwini into subtle and spiritual Pisces-Revati.

Any inner, psychic revolution takes time to integrate. Rahu in Aries also breaks away from the long-term glances of expansive Jupiter and dutiful Saturn, so your desires and drives in the Pisces section of this transit are relatively unhindered. You have greater freedom to express yourself, but it’s precisely at this time when you may need to tone your restless desire down.

The Gandanta gap also has a fated quality, where you get an unexpected outcome despite all your best precautions. Keep in mind what you expect from Rahu in Pisces long-term, and appreciate that success does not come as you planned in the first months of this transit.

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