Venus, the planet of love, luxury the arts, is retrograde in Leo from July 23rd to August 7th 2023.

Venus Retrograde - Insights

When Venus goes into retrograde, its energies are thought to be intensified and turned inward. This period prompts us to reevaluate our values, relationships, and patterns of relating. It offers an opportunity for reflection, introspection, and growth in matters of the heart.

Your personal relations and transactions are seen in a different light under this transit, and you have to work harder at keeping close to people. You can’t take any friendship for granted.

This current transit is the first part of Venus’s longer six-week retrograde spell, which occurs only every eighteen months, so you might be addressing an issue from the last retro period (December-January 2021-22), or one going even further back.

Venus’s current association with Mars in Leo makes you restless and impatient, and perhaps unwilling to take a delicate approach to win somebody around, even though diplomacy is time well-spent.

Venus also receives the influence of both philosophical Jupiter and worldly Saturn, which brings you an adventurous streak and also a maturity and acceptance of romantic boundaries.

Think carefully before reinventing your own image, however, and a permanent feature like cosmetic work or a tattoo may also be better left for once Venus goes direct.

Venus Retrograde Timings

New York, USA
22nd Jul 2023, 09:34 pm – 7th Aug 2023, 01:32 am

London, UK
23rd Jul 2023, 02:34 am – 7th Aug 2023, 06:32 am

New Delhi, India
23rd Jul 2023, 07:04 am – 7th Aug 2023, 11:02 am

A Time to Unveil:
Embracing Authenticity and Deepening Relationships

Venus Retrograde affects each individual differently based on their birth chart and planetary placements. Some individuals may experience significant shifts or challenges during this period, while others may feel a more subtle influence.

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves donning masks to protect our vulnerabilities, especially when it comes to our closest relationships. We create boundaries and wear egoic armor to shield ourselves from emotional pain and the desire for respect.

However, it is time to shed these masks and reveal our true, beautiful selves. The Venus Retrograde offers an opportunity to approach relationships from the heart rather than the head.

Venus Retrograde Remedies

  1. Choose Love over Aggression: Instead of resorting to aggression, opt for love and compassion in your interactions. Soften your approach and prioritize understanding and empathy.
  2. Chant the Mantra: Uttara Ashada nakshatra (lunar mansion) is ruled by a collection of goddesses and gods referred to as Vishwadevas. Vishwadevas can be honored by chanting the mantra “Aum Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” 108 times daily. This practice aligns us with the divine energies and fosters harmony within relationships.
  3. Say No to Toxic Relationships: During this transit, past toxic relationships may resurface. Learn to say “No” to these harmful connections, prioritizing your well-being and growth. It is essential to let go of what no longer serves your highest good.
  4. Honor the Feminine Energy: On Thursdays when Pisces rises in the sky, chant the Sri Suktam. This sacred hymn honors the divine feminine energy and invokes abundance and prosperity. Use the align27 to determine the local timings.
  5. Connect with the Divine: Dedicate Fridays to honor your favorite goddess and offer flowers as a symbol of love and devotion. This act of reverence deepens your connection with the divine and enhances the energy of love within relationships.
  6. Honor Venus’s Deity: Face the Southeast direction, associated with Venus, and bow down in gratitude to Shukra, the presiding deity. Request Shukra’s blessings to fulfil your desires. Light a lamp or candle during sunset to strengthen the Venus energy, as Agni, the guardian deity of the Southeast, is invoked.
  7. Reflect on Past Relationships: During this time, you may feel a pull towards past relationships or ex-partners. Exercise caution and take time to evaluate the underlying energy and motives before making any significant decisions. Avoid starting new relationships until the energy stabilizes.
  8. Get Blessings in Life: Listen to or chant the Mahalakshmi Ashtakam daily. This powerful hymn venerates the goddess of wealth and abundance, inviting her blessings into your life and relationships.
  9. Honor the Water Element: Venus represents the water element (Jala Tattva). Stay hydrated during this period and offer water or food as a daily offering to the divine, honoring the essence of water and its purifying qualities.
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