February11 - 27

Mercury, Saturn Conjunction (in Aquarius) ~ Think smart and serious

Mercury, the planet of the mind, is conjunct with Saturn, the planet of karma, in Aquarius from February 11th to 27th 2025.

This combination of planetary friends brings great promise for serious thinking and high achievement in business and negotiation. You have a formal and professional attitude to your ideas and are not interested in anything shallow or fashionable. You have a stubborn streak, and it may pay to keep quiet publicly and only speak up when you are sure you are right. Personal communication can be difficult, where you have to spell your message out clearly to a friend or lover and leave no room for hints or suggestions.

This conjunction in the air element sees you exploring concepts and progressive thinking, but Mercury and Saturn also focus on finding and applying a practical solution. This may stretch to actual mechanics and engineering, where you show a definite flair. Your suggestions are based in the real world and any advice you offer is backed up by first-hand experience. You may be subject to criticism, especially from February 19th to 23rd, and having to defend your position clarifies your thinking.

There is a burden on you to conform to tradition, even when you want to break outside, and it pays to have a fallback position if anything doesn’t go to plan. It’s also essential to remain positive, and not allow others to divert you or affect your confidence. This is an excellent transit for deep study, and you can deliver an academic or work document to order. You feel deadline stress but also get the benefit of reading material you would not have done otherwise and can become an expert in your field.

February 12 - March 14

Saturn, Sun Conjunction (in Aquarius) ~ Pass a karmic test

Sun, the planet of light and self, comes together with Saturn, lord of karma, in Aquarius from February 12th to Mar 14th 2025.

This transit is a conjunction of planetary enemies who function in very different ways, and it takes work and faith to get the best from both sides. The Sun’s natural energy and charisma go behind a cloud for a short time when paired with Saturn, and you can’t rely purely on self-assurance. You need a professional attitude and it pays to have a strategy to fall back on when your inspiration runs dry. From March 9th to 14th especially, you are under pressure at work, and someone in authority may oversee your performance and be critical or overbearing.

Don’t let your confidence be affected, especially if you are a new person in a job and unsure of how to move forward. You may feel taken for granted, and the experience teaches you to maintain your boundaries and be strong. A karmic quality also brings you a repeating lesson you cannot easily avoid, and you learn something truly valuable about yourself and your work. This is a character-building transit that throws you back on your own resources, though the rewards will sustain you for a long time afterwards.

Prepare also for more responsibility to be heaped on your shoulders, as you project a capable image. This transit climaxes with the Lunar Eclipse on March 14th, when Sun and Saturn come together most closely, and may see you breaking away or making a significant choice. Take your time and wait at least 24 hours before committing at this point.

February 27 - May 7

Mercury, Rahu, Venus Conjunction (in Pisces) ~ Finding creativity out of chaos

Mercury, Venus, and Rahu, the planets of communication, relationship and rebellion are in conjunction in Pisces from February 27th to May 7th, 2025.

This extended combination makes a complex picture of personal charm, diplomacy, and escapism, where you express yourself smoothly, but also explore deep and intense ideas in your relationships. You have a fascination for unusual subject matter, where you may go full-on into left-field in education, business, and the arts. Rahu’s influence on Mercury and Venus breaks you out of a mental rut and gives a fresh perspective if you go against accepted taste and opinion and dare to follow your own view.

You are drawn to the shadowy and taboo, and find inspiration in artistic subject matter that others find dark or shocking. A charismatic outsider may also appear very attractive romantically, but make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. Mercury in Pisces operates on the level of intuition, which serves you beautifully on certain days but is not always reliable. Mercury’s powers are lifted by its conjunction with Venus, however, and you can combine a poetic and imaginative mind with a cooler and more rational analysis.

Rahu may give you a sudden flash of insight that you don’t understand at the moment, yet coming at a problem from a different angle finds a solution. Mercury and Rahu are also connected with business and politics, so this is an excellent transit for doing deals and spreading your influence, especially after March 29th. Venus allows you to bring the right people together and understand the give-and-take needed to get things done – though be sure to read the fine print before accepting a tempting business offer.

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