Why is it that one day you go for an important meeting and you absolutely smash it – the words eloquently roll off your tongue, perfect ideas spontaneously spark in your mind and your body language and tone of voice are confident and assured.

Whereas the next time you have an important event it’s a different story – the words just don’t come out of your mouth, at least not coherently, your confidence is lower and somehow, no matter how hard you try, things just don’t go to plan.

Is it really that some days are luckier than others?

Well, beneath life’s tapestry of good days, bad days, unlucky days and average days there lies an ancient science, shared with humanity thousands of years ago by the ancient Seers.

They taught us that this is not just one of life’s great mysteries, but can be explained by the movement of the celestial bodies, whose energies have an impact on our lives.

For each of us, there are certain moments in time that are charged with raw potential and good fortune. These are the times that we can achieve great gain, and with less effort. Isn’t that what luck is after all?  And when we want luck to be on our side – and let’s face it, who doesn’t? – the way to get it is to tap into these powerful moments and utilize them fully.

The first step in making the most of your lucky days is to know when they are. So here’s the plan of how to make April your lucky month and all the months after that too!

Green Day Golden Moments

Green days are your most astrologically powerful days, and Golden Moments on a Green Day are the strongest Golden Moments of all! align27 calculates these power days and success-oriented moments specifically for you based on your own birth chart. So don’t let them go to waste by binge watching your favorite TV series through them.

Instead, plan for your most important meetings, interviews and events to happen at those specific times. That way you know you will be in power-mode, with the ability to succeed in whatever you do. In these moments you know the universe is on your side, so nothing can stop you.

Find Dates

Astrologically speaking, there are good days for buying lottery tickets, good days for paying off debts and for borrowing money and good days for making a job application or launching a project.

There are even certain times which are recommended for undergoing dental work, surgery or getting a haircut! Depending on the energies of the planets on a particular day some activities are naturally suited to that time, and so are more likely to have a successful outcome. Make sure you check out the Find Dates section of align27 so you can schedule in your important activities at the luckiest times.

Create Your 3 Month Plan

Using the 3 month planner you can look ahead to what your Days and Moments are looking like in the coming weeks. Whether you’re planning to appear in front of an audience or arrange a trip to see the in-laws, this can help you make sure you choose your moments wisely.

Of course, if you do have something important booked in during a Silence Moment – don’t fear! Just be aware of what you are saying, writing and sending – these moments are a reminder to stay alert. As much as possible, keep those Red Days and Silent Moments for laying low, resting and recharging and use your Green Days and Golden Moments for those important things you want to succeed in. In this way you can get a great balance between rest and activity, and also be likely to excel in your ventures – as luck will be on your side!

Practise Good Karma

It’s a simple equation – the more you give, the more you receive. When we offer ourselves in service to others and the planet, the more life flows for us, effortlessly and happily. We’ve all heard before that you reap what you sow.

The effects of your good actions might not be felt immediately, but will certainly come back to you at some point. So be generous with your time or money and reach out to help a person or cause who needs it. You never know when those good deeds will be repaid to you. When your intentions and actions are directed at helping others, the universe takes care of you and for sure you’ll start feeling luckier by the day!

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