Mercury, planet of communication and commerce, is in the Gandanta zone between fire and water signs and nakshatras from April 6th to 9th 2022.
This junction area translates to ‘knot-end’ and stretches from the final pada of Revati through the first of Ashwini, bringing a quality of instability and karmic experience. It’s hard to commit and see the future at this time, and gives a decision-oriented planet like Mercury an ‘in-between’ quality with many uncertainties of mind.
Mercury goes from all instinct, empathy and emotion in Revati, to a bolder and more immediate style in assertive, impulsive Ashwini. You use your intuition in two different ways: first the watery, imaginative Piscean feeling, and then with a prophetic fiery quality in Aries, and in both ways this gift supports you in times of doubt.
Mercury moves out of its sign of debilitation, Pisces, during this transit, into a positive and confident place where you can grasp details and affirm your truth. Ashwini’s special gift is for Quick Action, where an instant decision works in your favour, but make sure you have all the details covered.
Be ready to strike quickly when you have all the facts at hand. Friends and family may be out of touch or preoccupied, or else someone pulls out of an agreement which you thought was water-tight. A business opportunity may not work out as advertised when you look into the fine print, or else you can’t benefit straight away from good information.
Take your time, and if a project or ambition is genuine, then waiting a few days plays in your favour. Mercury also moves away from the strict influence of Saturn, planet of boundaries, on April 8th, and you get some relief from deadline stress and the pressure to find an answer.
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