What does February have in store for you? See the transits that are happening in the sky in February and read personalized insights for each one based on your Vedic Moon sign in your birth chart (which we calculate for you in the align27 app).
Mercury, Sun Conjunction in Capricorn - 1 February to 13 February
Taking pride in your ideas. Mercury, planet of the mind, comes together in Capricorn with Sun, star of self-expression, from February 1st to 13th 2024.
Mars in Uttara Ashadha - 1 February to 18 February
Take action to remove obstacles. Mars, planet of energy and competition, enters Uttara Ashadha, across the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn, from February 1st to 18th 2024.
Jupiter in Bharani Pada 1 - 3 February to 27 February
Third time lucky. Jupiter, planet of protection and philosophy, returns into Bharani pada (part) one, in the sign of Aries, from February 3rd to 27th 2024.
Enjoy a successful performance. The Sun, planet of soul and self-expression, is in Dhanishtha from February 6th to 20th 2024, the nakshatra sitting across the zodiacal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.
Mercury Combust in Capricorn - 7 February to 14 March
Make mental pressure work for you. Mercury, planet of the mind, comes together with the all-powerful Sun in Capricorn and Aquarius altogether from February 7th to March 14th 2024.
Venus in Uttara Ashadha - 9 February to 20 February
Remove a block from your relationship. Venus, planet of love and luxury is in Uttara Ashada between February 9th and 20th 2024, the nakshatra that spans the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Venus, Mercury Conjunction in Capricorn - 12 February to 20 February
The right words at the right time. Mercury, planet of the mind, and Venus, planet of relationship, come together in Capricorn from February 12th to 20th 2024.
Venus, Mars Conjunction in Capricorn - 12 February to 7 March
A smart romantic strategy. Venus and Mars, the planets of war and peace, love and desire, come together in Capricorn from February 12th to March 7th 2024.
Mercury in Dhanishtha - 16 February to 23 February
Wealth & fame from a smart idea. Mercury, planet of communication, enters the nakshatra of Dhanishtha across the zodiacal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius from February 16th to 23rd 2024.
Show off your listening skills. Venus, planet of art and relationship, is in Shravana from February 20th to March 1st 2024, the nakshatra within the zodiacal sign of Capricorn.
Shed light and heal yourself. The Sun, planet of the soul and self-expression, is in Shatabhishak, the nakshatra within the sign of Aquarius, from February 20th to March 4th 2024.
Sun, Mercury Conjunction in Aquarius - 20 February to 7 March
Expressing an unusual idea. Mercury, planet of the mind, comes together in Aquarius with Sun, star of self-expression, from February 20th to March 7th 2024.
Healing power of thoughts. Mercury, planet of the mind and speech, is in Shatabhishak from February 23rd to March 1st 2024, the nakshatra within the zodiacal sign of Aquarius that translates to ‘a hundred medicines’ (or doctors).
Jupiter in Bharani Pada 2 - 27 February to 16 March
Your good fortune is confirmed. Jupiter, planet of philosophy and expansion, is in Bharani pada (part) two, in the sign of Aries, from February 27th to March 16th.
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