The Sun, the star of soul and self-expression, is in the Gandanta (karmic) zone between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and Jyeshta and Mula Nakshatras from December 12th until 18th 2024. 

This double junction area extending either side of the zodiacal fire and water signs and nakshatras brings a period of confusion where your plans have an unformed quality. You may struggle to get practical business done, as the Sun going through these borderlands tests your natural assurance and sense of identity.

The Gandanta energy is otherworldly and self-effacing, and the Jyeshta-Mula boundary can be the most volatile and hard to handle of all. This is also a good time to use the ‘gap’ energy consciously embrace freedom and clear yourself of obligation. Saying no to something can be a liberating experience.

The Full Moon of December 15th adds emotional intensity and you may feel under pressure to take a quick decision. Follow your own pace…..

♈️ Aries

You have a sixth sense about your partner’s deeper intentions but don’t jump in without having confirmation… Read more →

♉️ Taurus

The Sun brings powerful characters into your life and at first, you feel overwhelmed trying to keep up... Read more →

♊️ Gemini

You focus on your day-to-day business and start off with a restlessness about your job for reasons you can’t put your finger onRead more →

♋️ Cancer

Act on an imaginative plan for your creative work and inspiration comes from an unusual source. Make sure you can execute your vision… Read more →

♌️ Leo

Get in touch with your centre and give yourself some self-care and personal protection. You have the inner fire to lead a team… Read more →

♍️ Virgo

Start moving on your education and throw energy into getting initials after your name. You act in an intuitive way and your business plan…. Read more →

♎️ Libra

What promises to deliver financially may not measure up, and some tweaking is needed. Get going on your business… Read more →

♏️ Scorpio

You are a good listener and someone appreciates a personal insight you take for granted. A business scheme may needRead more →

♐️ Sagittarius

Talk to someone in authority and together you can make the necessary change. You are busy and distracted… Read more →

♑️ Capricorn

Put your own interests to one side and playing the counsellor is beneficial for both of you. A trip away… Read more →

♒️ Aquarius

Confide in a family member and you arrive at your answer more by intuition than logic. You have the inner fire… Read more →

♓️ Pisces

You are a good teacher and have natural insight into someone who looks to you for knowledge… Read more →

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