What does July have in store for you? See the transits that are happening in the sky in July and read personalized insights for each one based on your Vedic Moon sign in your birth chart (which we calculate for you in the align27 app).

Jupiter in Uttara Bhadrapada Pada 4 - 1 July to 25 August

A deep mystical quest. Jupiter, planet of faith and philosophy, is in pada four of Uttara Bhadrapada from July 1st 2022, in the sign of Pisces.

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Mercury in Ardra - 5 July to 12 July

Express your thoughts and feelings. Mercury, planet of thought and speech, enters Ardra nakshatra, in the sign of Gemini on July 5th until 12th.

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Sun in Punarvasu - 6 July to 20 July

Renewing your light. The Sun is in Punarvasu from July 6th to 20th, crossing the zodiacal signs of Gemini and Cancer.

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Venus in Mrigashira - 7 July to 18 July

A restless romantic chase. Venus, planet of relationship, is in Mrigashira, the nakshatra spanning the signs of Taurus and Gemini from July 7th to 18th 2022.

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Mercury in Punarvasu - 12 July to 18 July

Mental arrows hit their target. Mercury, planet of thought and speech, is in Punarvasu, across the signs of Gemini and Cancer, from July 12th until 18th.

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Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn - 12 July to 23 October

A return to unfinished business. Saturn, planet of boundaries, karma and success, is retrograde in Capricorn-Dhanishtha from July 12th all the way until October 23rd, and remains in Capricorn altogether until January 17th 2023.

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Mars in Bharani - 16 July to 5 August

Rebirth for new plans. Mars, planet of impulse and assertiveness enters Bharani nakshatra in the zodiacal sign of Aries on July 16th until August 5th.

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Mercury in Pushya - 18 July to 24 July

Mental stimulation and spiritual energy. Mercury, planet of thought and communication, is in Pushya within the sign of Cancer from July 18th until 24th 2022.

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Venus in Ardra - 18 July to 29 July

An emotional romantic encounter. Venus, planet of art and relating, enters the nakshatra of Ardra in the sign of Gemini on July 18th until 29th 2022.

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Sun in Pushya - 20 July to 3 August

Shining with spiritual energy. The Sun, planet of Self and leadership, is in Pushya from July 20th to August 3rd, the nakshatra inside the zodiacal sign of Cancer, which boosts all matters connected with family and security.

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Mercury in Ashlesha - 24 July to 31 July

Combine intellect and instinct. Mercury, planet of intelligence is in Cancer-Ashlesha from July 24th to 31st 2022, the ‘serpent nakshatra’ associated with hypnotism and emotional insight.

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Jupiter Retrograge in Pisces - 28 July to 24 November

Faith brings good fortune. Jupiter-Guru, planet of good fortune and philosophy, turns retrograde in Pisces from 28th July until 24th November 2022.

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Venus in Punarvasu - 29 July to 9 August

A romantic revival. Venus, planet of love and luxury, is in Punarvasu from July 29th, the nakshatra spanning the zodiacal signs of Gemini and Cancer.

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Mercury Gandanta in Cancer - 30 July to 2 August

From intuition to affirmation. Mercury, planet of thought and commerce, is in the Gandanta zone between fire and water signs and nakshatras from July 30th to August 2nd.

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Mercury in Magha - 31 July to 8 August

Declare your intentMercury, planet of media and commerce, enters the nakshatra of Magha in the sign of Leo on July 31st 2022.

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