Jupiter, planet of good fortune and philosophy, is in the fourth pada of Uttara Ashada from December 23rd to January 6th, part of this nakshatra within the sign Capricorn.

This is Jupiter’s place of debilitation, where its usual spontaneous, trusting style is compromised and you may be uncertain of how to move forwards. Yet Uttara pada three equates to Pisces navamsha (D9) – the spirituality and relationship subchart – which emphasizes the transit’s sensitive and spiritual side, and where Jupiter has a redeeming strength.

Uttara’s Shakti or unique gift is also for ‘Unchallenged Victory’, and keeping to your convictions, often in spite of evidence to the contrary, sees you proven right. Take advantage of this window to get the best from your education and mentor figures, where you have faith and insight, and your innate belief in a good cause is enough to make a radical transformation. You have a mystical and intuitive quality that does not accept defeat, and sees other people in the special light they like to see themselves.

Someone, perhaps even a stranger, may open up to you emotionally because you seem mysteriously to understand. Uttara Ashada is a smart and diplomatic nakshatra which gives the promise of a wide circle of friends, and is ruled by the Ten Vishwadevas, the mythical personification of sattvic and spiritual qualities. Jupiter is moving on from its Grand Conjunction with karmic Saturn in this very pada, and this is still a significant transit where your choices affect you long into the future.

Weigh up expansion versus consolidation, and inject your business with an element of faith and optimism, which acts and works purely for the moment and not for the result.

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