What does October have in store for you? See the transits that are happening in the sky in October and read personalized insights for each one based on your Vedic Moon sign in your birth chart (which we calculate for you in the align27 app).

Venus in Hasta - 2 October to 13 October

Take relationships by the hand. Venus, planet of relating and luxuries, is in the nakshatra of Hasta in the sign of Virgo from Oct 2 to Oct 13 2022.

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Sun in Chitra - 10 October to 24 October

Shine a light on your gifts. Sun, planet of self and spirituality, is in the nakshatra of Chitra, half in the sign of Virgo and half in zodiacal Libra from October 10th to 24th.

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Venus in Chitra - 13 October to 23 October

Create a new relationship. Venus, planet of relationship and values, is in the nakshatra of Chitra across the signs Virgo and Libra from Oct 13th to 23rd.

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Mercury in Hasta - 14 October to 22 October

Grab a perfect deal. Mercury, planet of the mind, is in Hasta nakshatra from October 14th to 22nd, in the zodiacal sign of Virgo where it is strongest.

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Rahu in Bharani Pada 2 - 18 October to 19 December

Give birth to a new direction. Rahu, the shadow planet of desire and rebellion, enters Bharani nakshatra pada two in the sign of Aries from Oct 18th to Dec 19th 2022.

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Ketu in Swati Pada 4 - 18 October to 19 December

A vision of beauty. Ketu, the Moon’s South Node and planet of spirituality and imagination, is in Swati pada four within the sign of Libra from October 18th to Dec 19th.

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Jupiter in Uttara Bhadrapada Pada 1 - 19 October to 28 December

Shine a light on opportunity. Jupiter, planet of protection and philosophy, is in Uttara Bhadrapada pada one, from October 19th until December 28th, where it re-enters the area it first covered from late April to mid-May 2022.

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Mercury in Chitra - 22 October to 30 October

Enliven your brilliant mind. Mercury, planet of communication and commerce, is in the nakshatra of Chitra from Oct 22nd to 30th 2022.

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Venus in Swati - 23 October to 3 November

Spreading new friendship. Venus, planet love and the arts, is in Swati within the sign of Libra from October 23rd to November 3rd, 2022.

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Sun in Swati - 24 October to 6 November

Shine a light on new knowledge. The Sun, planet of light and Self, is in the nakshatra of Swati from October 24th to November 6th 2022.

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Solar Eclipse - 25 October

Know what you value most. The partial Solar Eclipse in Libra-Swati falls on October 25th 2022 and will be visible through Europe, Central and Western Asia, Siberia and north-East Africa.

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Mercury in Swati - 30 October to 7 November

Smart and elegant thinking. Mercury, planet of intelligence and communication, is in Swati within the sign of Libra from Oct 30th to Nov 7th.

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Mars Retrograde - 30 October to 12 January, 2023

Make haste slowly. Mars, planet of action and energy, is retrograde starting in Gemini from October 30th until November 13th, before retreating into Taurus until January 12th 2023.

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