The Sun, planet of light and self, enters Anuradha on November 19th until December 3rd 2022.
This is a gentler and more sensitive asterism within tough, intense Scorpio, whose Shakti, or unique power, ‘To Worship’, sees you tapping into enhanced faith and spirituality. The Sun sheds light wherever it travels, so you can uncover private or hidden knowledge through a cause, person or philosophy, and deep study gives you an eye-opening revelation.
Anuradha’s symbol of a Triumphal Arch shows success after a long career or campaign and this is the ultimate target on offer. Along with your big ambitions, the ruling deity here, Mitra, is associated with contracts and alliances, so you can make a mutually satisfying proposition.
This is also a passive, devata nakshatra, so use your intuition to understand someone else’s point of view and achieve more when you pool your resources together and work alongside a partner. You can also boost your social life and accept an invitation you might otherwise ignore: see what happens.
Travel is also well-starred, with either a trip away or a longer-term prospect being good for fun and enlightenment, especially when you’re in good company. If you are restless in your home-life, you may consider a move or to relocate for a career project which offers bigger prospects.
The Sun receives the influence of philosophical Jupiter through this whole transit, peaking on November 21st, which broadens your horizons and gives you an open-minded pursuit of knowledge.
This is an excellent time for planning ahead and an all-round more adventurous approach, where you weigh up your options and feel protected against risk.
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