The all-powerful Sun comes together with expansive Jupiter in Pisces from March 16th to April 14th 2023, which gives you a wide-range vision of the future.
These great planetary friends have a powerful influence when they join forces, particularly with Jupiter strong by sign and giving its best effects. The Sun shows your ego and sense of self, and in watery Pisces you express yourself in a subtler and more sensitive way, perhaps learning to lead and reflect others.
You still show a feisty, emotional side which can overflow in times of stress, but Jupiter gives you easy confidence and faith, along with a flair for teaching. This is a good time for forward planning, especially around travel, and though you may have to scale your ideas back after the event, it is still better to aim high.
Your current optimistic outlook is probably closer to your real nature than in other times of shyness and self-doubt. You may gravitate towards a demanding spiritual path, or share your own knowledge, and being grounded in a formal faith or philosophy gives your life innate meaning.
From April 6th onwards, Jupiter is increasingly swallowed up in the Sun’s bright glare and it takes more effort to express its generous, optimistic nature. Try not to let abstract thoughts run away with you at this point, and don’t take good fortune for granted.
This transit can bring luck and a charismatic aura, but you still have to earn your results, and may actually have to work harder at grounding your ideas.
Keeping the faith in a project when you are surrounded by sceptical voices takes energy and courage – though being the cheerleader in all weathers gives you the status of a visionary after your victory is won.
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