Venus, the planet of relationships, art and luxuries enters the nakshatra of Pushya within the sign of Cancer on September 4th until 16th.
Spiritual generosity singles out your affections now and Pushya is a fortunate and life-sustaining nakshatra, where your ideas are taken up at a higher level and you get romantic and professional support. Give in order to receive is your mantra. This nakshatra’s presiding deity is Brihaspati which emphasizes its spiritual and questing side, so you also bond romantically over a shared love of thought and higher learning.
Pushya’s symbol is the Udder which gives maternal affection and lends Venus a romantic generosity, where you are supporting your partner and providing security. Everyone wants to feel safe in a relationship and you give and receive protection, with a strong sense that you and your partner are there for each other.
The Shakti of this asterism is ‘the power to create spiritual energy’, so there’s also good cooperation with the promise of achieving a bond in love over and above that which you can find on your own. If somebody needs help you may feel you want to reach out, but be careful of a potential rescue drama where you step in to save someone from a situation which is all theirs. Otherwise you can show your sympathetic and understanding nature and enhance your attractiveness when someone needs to talk.
Pushya gives you an almost naive belief in fair play in love and things working out for the best, though it is such auspicious and positive energy that your expectations are actually met. This transit receives the strong influence of aggressive Mars, so you take the initiative in love or get close attention from somebody with overtones of making a conquest.
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