Ketu, the shadow planet of mysticism and escape, is in Pada (part) four of Uttara Phalguni from November 10th, 2024 to January 12th, 2025.
Uttara Phalguni’s laid-back and fun-loving style, symbolized by a Hammock, is a challenge to Ketu’s underlying intensity and drive for transcendence that permeates everything you do. You are looking for a job, relationship and life direction that puts meaning into your world but keeps a light-hearted quality that doesn’t require too much effort. Uttara Phalguni pada four relates to Pisces navamsa, which adds a further poetic and intuitive quality and may give you powers of insight and spiritual striving.
This Jupiter-ruled side is a sharp contrast to the Virgo portion of Uttara Phalguni and may see you studying or travelling in search of truth. Be mindful of any vague discontent with your ambitions and try to align yourself with a higher purpose, where Uttara Phalguni’s leisurely approach is fired into action. You may be on the right road, but simply need a greater sense of service and prospect of progress which doesn’t depend solely on material success.
Pisces navamsa also has an underlying romantic quality where you give your partner dazzling qualities or seek to help them, and you may succeed. Be sure that your help is needed, however – sensing somebody’s inner potential is a good thing, but you can also exhaust yourself in a rescue attempt. Ketu’s tendency is to over-stretch, often chasing action for its own sake without any proper game plan or end product.
Uttara Phalguni’s Shakti of ‘Prosperity Through Partnership’, however, gives you a promise for cooperation and you may come together with like-minded people in a shared idealistic effort.
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