Ketu, the shadow planet of mysticism and sacrifice, is in Vishakha pada four from February 8th to April 12th 2022, the last part of its backward journey through Scorpio.

Vishakha’s symbol is a Victory Arch, so personal triumph now comes through using your intuition and being aware of atmospheres and undercurrents. This approach may go against the flow of regular business, so you have to remain self-aware and keep your eye on your target, no matter what anyone else says or thinks.

Pada Four of this nakshatra relates to Cancer navamsha, the underlying chart of marriage and spirituality, so there is an extra emphasis on your emotional wellbeing and on looking after others. Focusing on your home is all-important and you may be involved with family business and creating security, all in the subtle and self-effacing Ketu style.

Satisfaction in the outside world may be hard to come by, so embody the lunar side of this pada to find your centre. This nakshatra is ruled by Indragni, a combination of Indra, King of the Gods and Agni, the embodiment of sacred fire, creating a passionate, powerful dynamic, which you must find a way to fit with this otherworldly symbol’s strengths.

Make sure your actions are purposeful and you don’t act simply for the sake of staying busy: Ketu has a Mars-like nature, but too often you chase a goal too impulsively and end up wasting energy. Vishakha’s Shakti or unique power is to ‘Achieve Many Fruits in Life’, and knowing exactly what you want, and also helping friends and family achieve their ambitions, is a good strategy.

Ketu is especially powerful from February 26th to April 8th, where you combine a sensitive parental or mentor-like role with assertive and protective spiritual energy.

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