The partial Solar Eclipse in Libra-Swati falls on October 25th 2022 and will be visible through Europe, Central and Western Asia, Siberia and north-East Africa.

These regions are affected most by the eclipse energy. This is a New Moon eclipse which signifies a new beginning and the end of an old cycle, so you may let go of any plan or property which has outlived its use.

This measured release does not come without a test, but the eclipse is telling you to create space in your life and that something better will soon appear. At a Solar eclipse, the Moon comes in front of the Sun, and the Self is obscured by emotion, where you see the world subjectively, highly influenced by your passing moods.

The impulse to run away from your everyday routine may be overpowering, but gently resist this feeling and appreciate the tense, shadowy atmosphere is only a symptom of the time. For this reason, eclipses are inauspicious for launching a new initiative, and it’s much better to wait two or three days until the Moon is visible again in the sky before acting.

Yoga, meditation and inner work have many times their usual power at this point, however. This eclipse lands very close to Venus, planet of relationship, also in Libra-Swati, which affects your partnerships and romantic life.

Somebody close to you may be acting out of character, or has a sudden change of heart, or else you see your relationship in an entirely new light. Try not to exaggerate your response, but be ready for the unexpected.

Venus affects your sense of security, and may influence an asset or possession which gives you grounding, and reaffirms the things in life you value the most.

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