Rahu, the north node of the Moon and planet of desire, is in Uttara Bhadrapada in the sign of Pisces, from July 8th to September 9th 2024.

Your relationships get extra intensity through Scorpio navamsha, where there’s great potential for transformation, and you may be surprised by the power of a shared moment. Rahu in aspect to Venus, planet of relating, from August 24th onwards, gives you a desire for romantic freedom, and you look for new company and stimulation.

Here are some highlights based on your Moon/Rising Sign. Get the align27 app to know your Rising/Moon Signs.

♈️ Aries

You are ready for a deep dive into spirituality, and a foreign or exotic path suits you best. Read More →

♉️ Taurus

Keep your ear to the ground for the truth of a situation from the exaggerated stories. Read More →

♊️ Gemini

You stay aware of different strands of information and people gravitate to you for the latest take on current news. Read More →

♋️ Cancer

You are attracted to a different form of knowledge and studying takes you off the beaten track. Read More →

♌️ Leo

A tempting offer may come through business, but make sure it all checks out on the practical level. Read More →

♍️ Virgo

Advice comes from a wise collaborator, who has practical as well as academic know-howRead More →

♎️ Libra

A second attempt at a job application gets you a surprise resultRead More →

♏️ Scorpio

Express yourself openly and you win an argument as much by conviction as detailRead More →

♐️ Sagittarius

Retreat into your private space, and meditation sees you dreaming up a new take on an old themeRead More →

♑️ Capricorn

Your mind comes under the microscope and a period of pressure lets you understand what really makes you tickRead More →

♒️ Aquarius

You have a vision of a rich lifestyle and are ready to go to great lengths to make your plans come trueRead More →

♓️ Pisces

You come across as a rebel, and feel the need to break out of familiar patterns in your lifeRead More →

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