Venus, planet of relationship, enters the nakshatra of Magha in the sign of Leo on August 30th to September 11th.

Magha is a showy and flamboyant energy within Leo, which sees you loving to be noticed and making a grand gesture. This nakshatra translates to ‘The Mighty’ and is symbolized by a Royal Throne-Room, which shows your grand ambition, as Venus gives you the desire to make a king or queen of your romantic partner.

It also plays up your own high-maintenance side where only the best will do, so be mindful of giving an air of patronage or favouritism. Cultivate important contacts and enjoy the attention of an influential person, but good fortune really finds you when you lavish your affection on someone else.

Indulging your love interest is a way to their heart, and you have a romantic generosity that keeps giving, ideally without thought of reward or return. The ruling deity here, The Pitris, the ancestral spirits, gives you an awareness of history and tradition, and this is a great time to enjoy a family occasion or birthday celebration.

Your artistic work also receives an injection of energy, where a creative project that stalled for lack of inspiration gets back on track. Venus receives the influence of pushy Mars through this whole transit, giving you romantic initiative and perhaps the desire to make a conquest.

You may feel you are offering your potential partner a win-win proposition, but make sure you are not unconsciously favouring your own side of the bargain. An attraction to somebody outside your usual type adds excitement and when an old face returns by August 10th you are ready to make an alliance.

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