The Sun, planet of pride and identity, is in Shravana in the sign of Capricorn from January 24th to February 6th.
Shravana’s symbol of the Ear translates to listening and an oral tradition of wisdom, learning, and spiritual knowledge. The Sun’s light shines on a previously hidden area, as you define yourself with speech, and absorb and share information to discover new ideas.
Shravana has a natural affinity with Saraswati, Devata of wisdom, and her energy is also a powerful tool for study, memory and forging a bond with the arts. Teaching is a good way to reinforce your own understanding, so you get a full appreciation of your worth through giving and receiving knowledge.
A period of silence can be important too, where you listen to your inner voice and tune out negative comments and gossip. This nakshatra’s Shakti, or unique gift, for ‘Connection’ sees you align with a kindred spirit and get the most from being in a group, as well as your own ego-based interests.
You are in a good space for public speaking, persuasion and study, and specifically for learning spiritual techniques, like mantras, which you can apply in a regular and affirming way.
The Sun being squeezed between the harsh energies of Mars and Saturn through this transit also gives you a tougher test, where you need self-assurance to persuade people of your position. You may take on extra responsibility and still feel rather exposed if you reach out for help.
You can either defer a big program of activity for an easier moment, or accept this present challenge with the prospect of greater credit that comes in the end.
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