What does January have in store for you? See the transits that are happening in the sky in January and read personalized insights for each one based on your Vedic Moon sign in your birth chart (which we calculate for you in the align27 app).
Rahu in Revati Pada 3 - 1 January to 4 March
Protect and Prosper. Rahu, planet of rebellion and desire, is in pada (part) three of Revati from January 1st to March 4th 2024.
Heart and soul goes into your work. Ketu, the shadow planet of imagination and spirituality, is in Pada (part) One of Chitra from January 1st to March 4th 2024.
Fight a romantic battle. Venus, planet of relationship and values, enters Jyestha from January 7th to 18th 2024, the last nakshatra in the zodiacal sign of Scorpio.
Take a deep dive into your subject. Mercury, planet of intellect and commerce, is in the nakshatra of Mula within the sign of Sagittarius from January 7th to 20th 2024.
Mercury, Sun Conjunction in Sagittarius - 8 January to 14 January
Taking pride in your ideas. Mercury, planet of the mind, comes together in Sagittarius with Sun, star of self-expression, from January 8th to 14th 2024.
Align with your soul ambition.Sun, planet of light and self-expression, is in Uttara Ashada between January 11th and 24th, the nakshatra spanning the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Renew your invincible energy. Mars, planet of action and energy, is in Purva Ashadha from January 14th to February 1st 2024, the nakshatra within zodiacal Sagittarius which translates to ‘the Unconquered’.
Going from protective to adventurous. Venus, planet of love and art, is in the Gandanta zone between zodiacal signs and nakshatras from January 15th to 21st 2024.
Be a true romantic purist. Venus, planet of romance and values, is in Sagittarius-Mula from January 18th to 29th 2024, the nakshatra associated with essentials and foundations.
Venus, Mercury Conjunction in Sagittarius - 19 January to 1 February
An international romantic flavour. Mercury, planet of the mind, and Venus, planet of relationship, come together in Sagittarius from January 19th to February 1st 2024.
Venus, Mars Conjunction in Sagittarius - 19 January to 5 February
Break new romantic ground. Venus and Mars, the planets of war and peace, love and desire, come together in Sagittarius from January 19th to February 5th 2024.
Mercury in Purva Ashadha - 20 January to 30 January
Go into battle for your beliefs. Mercury, planet of speech and communication, is in Purva Ashada, the nakshatra within the sign of Sagittarius from January 20th to 30th 2024.
Mercury in Uttara Ashadha - 30 January to 7 February
Learn through an easy victory. Mercury, planet of intelligence and communication, is in Uttara Ashada from January 30th to February 7th 2024, the nakshatra across the zodiacal signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn.
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