In Vedic astrology, junctions between fire and water signs (which cannot coexist, obviously) are called Gandanta zones, also known as spiritual knots, and we have 11 main Gandanta’s this year, starting with Mars in Gandanta on 11th January.
Say you have a wound and you’ve covered it up with a bandaid and someone just rips it off quickly without any warning, without knowing if the wound underneath has healed or not or if it’s still raw and fresh, that is an example of Gandanta – a spiritual knot. So, when planets transit over these points, it’s almost like pulling a bandaid off.
The intensity of the pain will be dependent on the extent to which the wounds have healed. These wounds are not just from this lifetime – they are wounds from all of our previous lifetimes put together.
So you have no idea what these wounds are or how they happened, it is beyond our perception! That’s why we call Gandanta zones, karmic zones.
(These rituals and more also appear inside the align27 app under the rituals section a few days before the actual gandanta date).
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