The Sun, the planet of self and spirit, is in Cancer-Ashlesha from August 2nd to 16th 2024, the nakshatra associated with insight and personal transformation.

Ashlesha is ruled by The Naghas, the shape-shifting serpents who act as guardians of heavenly wealth, and now reflect your secretive style and worldly wisdom. The Shakti of this asterism ‘to inflict venom’, sees you strike first from a defensive place, or else find ways to deal with a potentially toxic atmosphere at home and at work.

Serpents’ eyes have the power to hypnotize, so compelling and charismatic types have a strong fascination, or you encounter someone who keeps their real motivations hidden. Your protective streak extends to friends and family, and you seek to build up security, both financially and emotionally. The influence of shadowy Rahu on the Sun through this whole transit, particularly August 2nd and 3rd, lets you express your different or unique side and gives you a smart, worldly way of business.

Breaking out of routine ways of working and relating, you can take the lead in any new business and use psychology, perhaps even some subtle manipulation, to get people onside. You can also explore the esoteric and mysterious as the Sun shines a light on dark and hidden areas of your life: Ashlesha symbolizes the coiled serpent chakra at the base of the spine, which you can channel through intense yogic practice under the direction of an experienced teacher.

The New Moon in Ashlesha on August 4th is a high point of this transit and allows you to shed an emotional layer in a serpent-like way, and you move on feeling lighter leaving an old attachment behind.

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