Venus, planet of love and art, enters Rohini nakshatra in the sign of Taurus from April 14th to 26th 2023.

This is a standout transit, where Rohini’s qualities of beauty, charm and flirtation make a perfect setting for Venus, in addition to this planet and asterism’s mutual links to agriculture and fertility.

Rohini is a classically feminine energy, associating with luxuries and fashion, where you can indulge someone you love and treat them to the finest quality, while enjoying the experience. The Shakti here, ‘To Grow’, lets you expand your romantic rapport, and also your social circle, where you make yourself popular in company.

Combine your natural flair for food and entertaining, with a gift for seduction and putting people at their ease. Rohini is ruled by Bramha the Creator, which boosts your creativity when you focus on taste and aesthetics, and produce some genuinely striking work.

You can also enjoy quality time in museums, theatres and galleries, and a shared appreciation of beauty may be your entry into a new friendship. Your affections are fixed and determined, and you are persistent in your chase, as you win somebody around with non-stop attention.

Venus gives you an attractive steadiness and reliability, even though Venus is squeezed here in signs between restless Rahu and dynamic Mars, which may see a potential love-interest acting in a rather self-centred way.

Receiving attention from the outside is flattering, but make sure you’re not drawn into a compromising situation, or hurried into a decision you would otherwise think over in a balanced and leisurely way.

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