The Sun, planet of soul and self-expression, enters Aries-Ashwini on April 14th until 28th – the sign of its greatest strength, and the nakshatra associated with speed and courage.

Ashwini’s Shakti, or special power, for Quick Action, finds you sizing up a situation and making an instant choice, which at other times may be difficult or unwise. Now, however, an instant call cuts to the heart of the matter and you gain nothing by waiting.

Ashwini is also associated with beauty and flamboyance, and its symbol of the Horse shows speed and grace, so working quickly is of the essence and you bring courage and energy into everything you do.

Exercise has a positive impact on your wellbeing, and this asterism’s lordship by the Ashvini Kumaras, the divine physicians, favours getting in to shape and moving again after a period of rest, reflection or inactivity.

‘Mesha Sankranti’, the Sun’s entry into the first zodiacal sign, is also the traditional start of the astrological year, so be mindful your present choices may have a longer-lasting impact. Discretion is advised if you would avoid an all-out revolution or pointless battle – go with your intuition when it feels right, but have some thought for the fallout.

Ashwini is Sattvic in nature, however, and notable for good manners and charm, so your occasional pushy and competitive side is softened by a surprising personal touch.

This transit takes in a pair of eclipses, the solar event on April 20th and the lunar eclipse on May 5th, which are both potentially intense and disruptive moments, where it pays to think before you leap.

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