Mars, planet of action and competition, is in Vishakha nakshatra across the signs of Libra and Scorpio from November 1st to 20th 2023.

Vishakha’s symbol is a Victory Arch, so your battling energy is on a high and the prospect of a personal triumph is a powerful motivating force. You set standards and raise your game, and your will to win makes all the difference to the final outcome.

Vishakha’s Shakti, or special power, ‘To Achieve Many Fruits in Life’, sees you turn the influence of Mars to a high level and aim it at all your goals. You size up a situation immediately, and work with an intuitive conviction that has a way of manifesting in the real-world.

Mars receives the protective glance of its friend Jupiter through this whole transit, which gives you even greater energy and a sporting, fair-minded attitude towards your work. You have spiritual and humanitarian goals, and a daring streak that inspires others to follow you.

From November 6th to 17th, Mars also sits between the benevolent planets Mercury and Venus, which gives you extra support, and the potential to communicate clearly and strike a good deal. Go with your gut feel at this point and don’t overthink.

Vishakha adds to your excellent diplomatic skills and you direct all your attention to making the right contacts and getting your message across. Create an alliance, where working as a team brings out the best in all parties, despite any accusations of political favouritism, or that you are all business.

Someone may also draw you into a power play and you decide how closely you want to be associated with their game. All sides should profit in the end.

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