Saturn, planet of boundaries, karma and success, is retrograde in Capricorn-Dhanishta from July 12th all the way until October 23rd, and remains in Capricorn altogether until January 17th 2023.
This transit is the planet’s annual five-month backwards phase where themes of the last year repeat and are ground in for the long term. Saturn has been in its other home sign of Aquarius since April 30th, a window which has given you a taste of events to come, but the planet now returns to clear up unfinished business in Capricorn.
You get a reprise of experiences from the earlier part of 2022, and an episode you thought past comes around to remind you of duties or decisions left undone. The final degrees of a sign are traditionally where Saturn has its strongest effect, so prepare over the next six months to take charge at work and for extra responsibility to be placed on your shoulders.
You earn medals for stamina, patience and efficiency, and decide if a project or relationship is worth sticking with or better left behind as you cut your losses. However frustrating the course and high the increased obstacles, Saturn responds very well to consistent effort and your refusal to cut corners.
You may have to prioritize your home life and romantic life between August 7th and September 1st especially, otherwise work commitments overwhelm all sides of your life. Striking a balance is a general key to handling Saturn, a planet which rewards you for delegating and setting up a system to deal with all outcomes.
This applies especially as Saturn casts its influence on benevolent Jupiter for the rest of 2022, which has you relying on effort and professionalism rather than blind faith to arrive at your goal.
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