Mercury, the planet of thought and commerce, moves alongside the Sun from September 13th to October 22nd, 2024, as both planets move from Leo to Virgo and on into Libra.
This is Mercury’s ‘combustion’ or burnt-up phase, where its closeness to the Sun affects your decision-making and overall train of thought. It becomes hard to concentrate on a particular issue, and a powerful person or authority figure may also have a strong influence over you. In Virgo from September 23rd to October 10th, Mercury is nearest to the Sun and you may feel your ideas are being overlooked, or that you lack a voice in an important discussion.
Mercury is strong by sign at this time and gives you a flexible and intelligent attitude, but academic or business deadlines are still stressful and you may not produce your best work under pressure. September 30th to October 6th especially finds you nervous or anxious, and perhaps worrying over an issue that does not deserve so much thought or care. Your thinking becomes highly subjective and it may be helpful to get an outside opinion, or even professional advice on a matter that is troubling you.
Take a bigger view or even a holiday, and you see a question in a different light afterwards. Mercury receives the supportive influence of Jupiter up to October 10th, and persevering with an academic plan may also get you credentials and new knowledge.
Mercury going into Libra after this date gives you charm and diplomacy, and saying the right thing helps secure an investment or purchase. This can be a good time to excel in the classroom and when you allow your creative imagination to flow.
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