Mercury goes retrograde in Chitra from September 27th, starting in the sign of Libra and then back into Virgo by October 2nd, before turning direct on October 18th.

This nakshatra is all about practicality, beauty and craft, and you have the classic Mercury retrograde setup to take advantage of a past opportunity that comes around again for a second bite. Expect delays in your messages and media, however, where it’s worth thinking bigger and bolder than usual when you pick your moment.

A small message or idea may turn into a fully-formed article, or even book-plan, or studying a different subject leads you all the way into a new speciality. You have discipline and original thought in your research, and can re-think and edit your writing and get it all down in smooth, presentable form.

As it reverses back into Virgo, Mercury joins dynamic Mars and gives you an assertive voice in debate, along with the ability to campaign. This coming-together peaks on October 10th, in Hasta nakshatra, and though you may be under pressure to give an answer, keep your patience and wait for the right time to declare your hand.

Don’t be afraid to defer judgement, even if an offer appears too good to miss – details usually emerge after the end of a retrograde period that you couldn’t possibly have known at the outset. Back up your data: any problems with your digital tools leads you to explore the issues and you emerge from this transit better-informed about technology and communication.

Mercury also receives the influence of expansive Jupiter after October 2nd, at which point your thinking takes on a broader and more optimistic tone. Follow your intuition and you can express even an uncomfortable truth in a positive way.

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