Mercury, the planet of media and commerce, enters Magha in the sign of Leo from September 4th to 14th 2024.
This transit sees the return of Mercury to this nakshatra, after its initial transit through July and August, which included its retrograde phase. Mercury now moves forward and a recent project you may have flip-flopped over, or was hard to organize, finally comes together in your mind. An unexpected turn of events has seen you improvising or waiting for information or finance, but now you are ready to commit.
You have got the inside details on your purchase or application, and get full value for Magha’s confident and outgoing style. This nakshatra translates to ‘The Grand’ and its symbol of a throne room gives you a kind of royal certainty, where you decide by intuition and sense the answer to any question in advance. You take pride in your beliefs and people respond to your fiery rhetoric, where you talk and win opponents around to your point of view.
Allow yourself room to manoeuvre, however, as you benefit from other people’s input and together create a better solution. Magha has a natural dramatic flair, where you inject a theatrical touch into your everyday conversation, or even take on an actual artistic or acting role. Channelling your mind in this way makes good creative work and is also rewarding on a personal level.
You love to point to an achievement everyone can see and give support and encouragement to friends and co-workers to do the same. The influence of karmic Saturn on Mercury through this whole transit helps you set boundaries, and writing and planning are properly focused when you work to a deadline.
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