The total Solar Eclipse in Pisces arrives on April 8th 2024, the second eclipse in a pair after March’s Full Moon event.
The Sun and Moon coming together in Revati with smoky Rahu begins a new round of activity and ambition, which arrives through a deliberate choice or a stroke of fate and brings a decision to a climax. Sudden change can be stressful, and a Solar Eclipse especially creates an intense atmosphere, so take a deep breath and stay vigilant for up to 48 hours after the event.
You may be overwhelmed by an emotional or imaginary concern on the day, out of all proportion to its reality, and also feel tired and disoriented. Abrupt events at eclipse time may have an impact for months or even years into the future, so move carefully, especially if you are coming from an anxious place.
You will see an issue in a different light after the shadowy atmosphere has passed and you can reassess your position. This eclipse also brings harsh planets Mars and Saturn closely together in Aquarius, and their uncompromising quality sees strong and incompatible energies fighting to occupy the same space.
Resits the impulse for a quick strike, and appreciate there are consequences to all your actions. Put your faith in forgiveness, and with Venus also in Pisces on the day, you can be a vital balancing and peacekeeping force.
This is an important moment: the eclipse’s path of visibility takes in Central America and the Eastern continental United States, where it travels across the country in the opposite direction to the previous Solar Eclipse of October 2023.
If you are under its path, it’s better to remain quietly indoors and project your intent from a powerful inner level. Spiritual work, meditation and inner clearing have a supercharged and transforming effect.
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