What does December have in store for you? See the transits that are happening in the sky in December and read persoanlized insights for each one based on your Vedic Moon sign in your birth chart (which we calculate for you in the align27 app).

Venus in Uttara Ashada - 1 December to 5 January

A repeating romantic theme. Venus, planet of love and luxury is in Uttara Ashada between December 1st to January 5th 2022, the nakshatra that spans the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn.

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Mercury in Jyeshtha - 1 December to 10 December

Be the voice of experience . Mercury, planet of thought and speech, is in Jyeshtha from December 1st to 10th, the last nakshatra in the zodiacal sign of Scorpio.

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Sun in Jyeshtha - 2 December to 15 December

Giving protection and inspiration. The Sun is in Jyeshtha from December 2nd to 15th, the last nakshatra in the zodiacal sign of Scorpio, whose symbol is an Umbrella or Talisman.

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Solar Eclipse in Jyeshtha - 4 December

Intensity and insight. The last eclipse of 2021 arrives on December 4th at 07:23am GMT, with the Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio-Jyeshtha.

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Rahu in Krittika Pada 3 - 7 December to 8 February

Fulfil your desires with idealism. Rahu, the shadow planet of desire and ambition, is in pada three of Krittika nakshatra from December 7th to February 8th 2022.

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Ketu in Anuradha Pada 1 - 7 December to 8 February

Be yourself and bring out your magic. Ketu, the Moon’s Node and shadow planet of spirituality and intuition, enters the first pada of Anuradha in the sign of Scorpio on December 7th 2021 until February 8th 2022.

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Mercury in Gandanta - 7 December to 12 December

From instinct to high-flown thought. Mercury, planet of thought and commerce, is in the Gandanta zone between fire and water signs and nakshatras from December 7th to 12th 2021.

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Mars in Anuradha - 9 December to 28 December

Strong, yet subtle ambition. Mars, planet of energy and pride, is in Anuradha nakshatra from December 9th until 28th 2021.

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Mercury in Mula - 10 December to 18 December

Deep research and communication. Mercury, planet of intellect and commerce, is in the nakshatra of Mula within the sign of Sagittarius on December 10th until 18th 2021, the nakshatra associated with the bare essentials and getting under the surface.

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Sun in Gandanta - 12 December to 19 December

Courage to break in changes. The Sun, star of soul and self-expression, is in the Gandanda zone between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and Jyeshtha and Mula on December 12th until 19th.

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Sun in Mula - 15 December to 29 December

Break down barriers and express yourself. The Sun, planet of ego and self-expression, enters Sagittarius-Mula on December 15th until 29th 2021, the nakshatra associated with bare essentials and getting into the heart of the matter.

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Jupiter in Dhanishtha Pada 4 - 15 December to 2 January

Last call on a great offer. Jupiter, planet of expansion and philosophy, is in the fourth pada of Dhanishta from December 15th 2021 to January 2nd 2022.

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Mercury in Purva Ashadha - 18 December to 27 December

New inspiration from an old idea. Mercury, planet of speech and communication, is in Purva Ashada, the nakshatra within the sign of Sagittarius from December 18th until 27th 2021.

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Saturn in Shravana Pada 3 - 21 December to 20 January

Reap the rewards of past work. Saturn, planet of boundaries, karma and success, is in the third pada of Shravana in the zodiacal sign of Capricorn from December 21st 2021 until January 20th 2022.

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Venus Retrograde - 19 December to 29 January

A full circle in love. Venus, planet of love, values and the arts, goes retrograde in Capricorn-Uttarashadha on December 19th 2021, all the way until January 29th 2022.

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Mercury in Uttara Ashadha - 27 December to 5 January

Unchallenged victory  from thinking smart. Mercury, planet of intelligence and communication, is in Uttarashadha from December 27th 2021 to January 5th 2022, the nakshatra that spans the zodiacal signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn.

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Mars in Jyeshtha - 28 December to 16 January

Elder’s wisdom secures victory. Mars, planet of drive and energy, is in Jyestha from December 28th to January 16th, the last nakshatra in the zodiacal sign of Scorpio.

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Sun in Purva Ashadha - 29 December to 11 January

Repurpose your plans for a celebration. Sun is in Purva Ashadha from December 29th 2021 to January 11th 2022, the nakshatra which translates to ‘the Unconquered’.

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