What does November have in store for you? See the transits that are happening in the sky in November and read personalized insights for each one based on your Vedic Moon sign in your birth chart (which we calculate for you in the align27 app).

Mars in Vishakha - 1 November to 20 November

Lift your energy to a new level. Mars, planet of action and competition, is in Vishakha nakshatra across the signs of Libra and Scorpio from November 1st to 20th 2023.

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Ketu, Venus Conjunction in Virgo - 3 November to 29 November

Enjoy a super-fine romantic moment. Venus, planet of relationship, comes together with shadowy Ketu in Virgo from November 3rd to 29th 2023.

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Sun in Vishakha - 6 November to 20 November

Combine dynamism with diplomacy. The Sun, planet of light and self, is in Vishakha from November 6th to 20th 2023, where the Sun emerges from its place of debilitation and picks up strength in Mars-ruled Scorpio.

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Mercury in Anuradha - 8 November to 17 November

Sending a signal of cooperation. Mercury, planet of the mind and communication, is in Anuradha, in the sign of Scorpio, from November 8th to 17th 2023.

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Venus in Hasta - 12 November to 24 November

Show off your best skills. Venus, planet of relating and luxury, is in the nakshatra of Hasta in the sign of Virgo from November 12th to 24th.

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Mars, Mercury Conjunction in Scorpio - 16 November to 27 November

Walk a line between openness and secrecy. Mercury, planet of thought, comes together with forceful, assertive Mars in Scorpio from November 16th to 27th.

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Mars, Sun Conjunction in Scorpio - 16 November to 16 December

Act quickly and be an inspiration. The Sun, planet of light and self, comes together with dynamic Mars in Scorpio from November 16th to December 16th 2023.

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Mercury, Sun Conjunction in Scorpio - 17 November to 27 December

Sharpen up your business skills. Mercury, planet of the mind, is conjunct with the life-giving Sun in Scorpio from November 17th to 27th, 2023.

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Mercury in Jyeshta - 17 November to 27 November

Be the voice of experience. Mercury, planet of thought and speech, is in Jyestha from November 17th to 27th 2023, the last nakshatra in zodiacal Scorpio.

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Sun in Anuradha - 20 November to 3 December

Indulge yourself in different company. The Sun, planet of self and creativity, enters Anuradha on November 20th until December 3rd 2023, a gentler and more sensitive nakshatra within tough, Mars-ruled Scorpio.

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Mars in Anuradha - 20 November to 9 December

Flex your muscles towards a shared ambition. Mars, planet of energy and pride, is in Anuradha nakshatra from November 20th to December 9th 2023.

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Mercury in Gandanta - 24 November to 29 November

Going out on a mental limb. Mercury, planet of thought and commerce, is in the Gandanta zone between fire and water signs and nakshatras from November 24th to 29th.

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Venus in Chitra - 24 November to 5 December

Design a new relationship model. Venus, planet of relationship and values, is in the nakshatra of Chitra across the signs Virgo and Libra from November 24th to December 5th 2023.

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Saturn in Shatabhishak Pada 1 - 24 November, 2023 to 11 January, 2024

Make a final call for success. Saturn, planet of karma and success, moves into pada (part) one of Shatabhishak within the sign of Aquarius from November 24th 2023 to January 11th 2024.

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Jupiter in Ashwini Pada 4 - 26 November, 2023 to 3 February, 2024

Get used to a sudden lucky break. Jupiter, planet of philosophy and expansion, enters pada (part) four of Ashwini, the nakshatra associated with speed and courage, from November 26th 2023 to February 3rd 2024.

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Mercury in Mula - 27 November to 9 December

Get into the heart of your subject. Mercury, planet of intellect and commerce, is in the nakshatra of Mula within the sign of Sagittarius from Nov 27th to December 9th 2023, the nakshatra associated with the bare essentials and getting underneath the surface.

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