Venus, planet of love and art, is in the Gandanta zone between fire and water signs from July 1st to 15th 2023.

The Gandanta ‘knot-end’ is characterized by an unstable and rather fated quality, and you get a perspective on someone that you have never noticed before, or even feel you are dealing with a person you don’t really know.

Venus’s change of element from water to fire generates symbolic steam, and you may have trouble seeing a romantic situation clearly. Expect a relationship to come under the spotlight, and a partner or familiar face to be behaving unusually or perhaps to pull out of an agreement.

Venus in Ashlesha operates on feeling and instinct, where you tune in to people on a subtle level and have a hypnotic effect – or they have a similar impact on you. It is a big jump from this mode to proud, fiery Leo-Magha, and it takes time to find your feet – somebody may take the romantic initiative for you.

Venus moves into Leo by July 7th, where it sits closely with dynamic Mars and gives you a more impulsive style, with a strong need to make things happen. Take it easy. Allow yourself become more open and demonstrative and enjoy this reciprocal feeling from people close to you.

Be careful also of making any change of relating too abruptly, and remember you can keep your intuition and insight, while moving to more upbeat and demonstrative style. This transit is the first of Venus’s three passages through the final pada of Ashlesha and the first of Magha this year, as Venus goes retrograde and then direct.

You may finally resolve a situation that arises now the next time in late July, or even the third time around starting late September.

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