Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication, is in Bharani, in the zodiac sign of Aries from May 21st to 29th 2024.

Bharani’s name means ‘she who bears’, its symbol is a Vulva, and its meaning is bound up with giving birth, either as in bearing children or delivering a plan or creative idea. An inventive scheme takes courage to stick with, but you have the confidence to back your judgment.

Intense focus is your gift, and you assert your opinion, even when you are airing an unpopular truth. Your personal ‘brainchild’ gives rise to educational success and new insights, as well as spawning new plans, connections and business schemes.

The Shakti of this asterism, the ‘Power to Carry Things Away’, has a deep mystical sense, but Mercury also brings you the presence of mind and stops you from getting ‘carried away’ with a dream.

Mercury receives the influence of stern, traditional Saturn through this whole transit, which sees you walking a line between conformity and rebellion. You can work steadily meet deadlines and deliver, though it pays to listen as much as you speak.

You speak up on a subject only after you have done your homework, and commit yourself finally when you are sure you are right. Still, some people may say you don’t yet have the experience to comment on an issue, and May 28th especially demands you to prove the depth of your knowledge.

Expect to explain yourself slowly and carefully. You can rebound from an initial setback and end up getting more respect for arriving at your own answers.

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