Sun, planet of self and spirit, is in Cancer-Ashlesha from August 3rd to 16th, the nakshatra associated with insight and personal transformation.
Ashlesha’s ruling devatas are The Naghas, the shape-shifting serpents known in mythology for their deadly venom, but who also acted as the guardians of heavenly wealth. They stand for worldly wisdom and cunning, knowing how to press people’s buttons, and how to keep a secret in pursuit of your ambitions.
The Sun is planet of kingship, which stands for your ego and individuality, and a serpent-like process unfolds here where you can shed your skin and become a subtly different person. You are ego-driven in your quest for knowledge and influence, though generous in sharing once you have achieved your targets.
Taking the lead requires use of psychology and even some manipulation, knowing how to bait your hook and get people on side. Serpents also have the power to hypnotize, so you encounter compelling and charismatic characters, and people who keep their motivations strategically hidden.
Others may suspect you of similar behaviour, so expect do some bargaining before anyone gives their position away. Trust your instincts in a one-to-one situation, and you can also beam sunlight on hidden dynamics which are going on underneath the surface.
The Shakti of this asterism is ‘to inflict venom’, so you may strike first out of protectiveness, or else encounter a toxic atmosphere which requires careful handling. In a more mystical sense, Ashlesha represents the coiled serpent energy at the base chakra, which can be raised either through close intimacy and emotion or through a profound spiritual or yogic experience.
The Sun receives the influence of sober, serious Saturn, in this transit, which gives you a businesslike approach and the potential to look back on a lasting achievement.
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